Monday, September 26, 2011

Env Science Lab Report #3

 Five shrubs found around Mercer's campus- camillia, juniper, phlox, azalea, and boxwood

Env Science Lab Report #3

Five plants found around Mercer's campus- Aloe, Hosta, Hydrangea, Elephant Ear, and Zinnia

Env Science Lab Report #3

Five Trees found around Mercer's campus- Live Oak, Longleaf Pine, Larch, Hickory, and Gingko

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ENB150 lab report

!. Choropleth map- people use this map because it shows a measurement changes from one area to another in one region.
 2. Proportional Symbol map- people use this map because it uses symbols to show population. A bigger symbol means a bigger population of people using something.
3. Dot Density map- People use this map because it uses small dots to identify how densely populated an area can be.


Monday, September 5, 2011

ENB150 interesting animal

The most interesting animal that I like is the jaguar. The jaguar is the third largest feline behind the tiger and lion. This big cat lives in the southern United States, Mexico, most of Central America, and South America. Most jaguars are found in forested and open areas. Like tigers, the Jaguars are known to swim in rivers. They stalk for their prey and are at the top of the food chain. They are an important part of the ecosystem as well. The jaguar has become a near threatened species because of destruction of their habitat by humans.